Saturday, April 24, 2010

Cyst on my ovary's???

okay i went to the doctor and had a vaginal ultrasound done on my ovarys and the doc found 3 golf ball size cyst on the right one. he said that i need to come back next month to have another one done(vaginal ultrasound) to see if they have shrank any. i asked him if i need to have a surgery to remove them and he said no that they would go away by my question is DO CYST GO AWAY BY THEMSELVES?

Cyst on my ovary's???
Usually yes they do. I have had tons of cysts (I can thank PCOS for that), and haven't had any major problems. I sometimes feel pain from them, but usually I don't notice them. At my last check up I had cysts on both side. If you do start to experience heavy bleeding or severe pain, I would go to the ER or call your dr., but for the most part I think just monitoring them is enough.
Reply:Usually they will shrink or burst on their own, but can be very painful in the meantime. Unfortunately unless you want a hysterectomy you have to learn to manage with them.
Reply:I have dealt with cyst's all my life and they never go away! they burst and cause more cyst's and can make you sterile if left there. they need to be remove'd i actually had 1 weighing 9lbs.! the size of a grapefruit. you need to have them taken care of.
Reply:sometimes they do, but the pain can be VERY great. I had surgery to drain mine, they'd gotten to be nearly an inch in size. I should tell you that I had surgery for my endometriosis, the doctor just took care of this while he was there. I've had no ovarian pain since.


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