Saturday, April 24, 2010

Ovary/cyst removal while 3 months pregnant??

I'm 3 months pregnant. I've had an 8cm cyst on my left ovary that my doctor's have been monitoring. I went to a specialist yesterday, and it's now 10cm. They are wanting to remove the cyst and the ovary within the next week and a half. They said they will have to cut from belly button down which is right where the baby is at. I'm a NERVOUS WRECK! I am going to have a specialist do it, but was curious has anyone had this happen or know anything about this?? Will the baby be ok? Especially with them opening my stomach completely up and being put under anesthesia? And removing my this a major surgery-I'm literally scared to death and would like any advice anyone can give from experiences or knowledge. Thank you soo much!

Ovary/cyst removal while 3 months pregnant??
This is not as rare as you might think. The reason for removal is because if it continues to grow, is hemorrhagic or ruptures, it will definitely put your pregnancy and you in grave risk.

Now being honest, surgery always carries risks. After all, it is an invasive procedure but your chance of harm to the pregnancy is far greater from the cyst itself if it is growing.

Of course you are nervous! This is surgery! You are pregnant and worried for your baby! You wouldn't be normal if you weren't worried. It is major surgery due to the opening of the abdomen and the pregnancy but the surgeon and anesthesiologist will do everything to preserve your pregnancy.

Also, is the doctor planning another ultrasound before the surgery? Sometimes, the cyst will resolve before surgery can be done so you might get a pleasant surprise. It is the hormones of pregnancy during the first three months than can cause these cysts to grow. Don't count on the cyst resolving, I am just letting you know that it can and does happen.

BTW, I have seen quite a few of these and not one single mother lost her baby! Good luck, sweetie and try not to worry too much.


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