Thursday, May 7, 2009

Care for ovarian cyst?

i went to ER monday night at 6pm and left at 5am , i went in finally because for the last 7 years i've had a dull ache in my lower right side stomach. It only hurts bad if you relax muscles in your stomach and push down on it. Well i have no insurance so thats why it took so long to get up the nerve to just go. SO they did blood work/uranalysis, regular female check, then a indovaginal ultrasound and a regular ultrasound. THey dertimed i had a 2cm cyst on my right ovary and a bunch of little tiny ones. Well after leaving i am still stuck where i was? no insuranc,e but now i know i have cysts.l am 20 years old. I called planned parenthood they said there really isn't anything they could do but send me to a specialist, and i cna't afford things like that- im scared, lonly in this and confused. Can i just go on like i have for 7 years as long as the pain isn't unbarable? I plan on having health insurance by july, i'd lov eto have health insruance so i can explore options =( thanks

Care for ovarian cyst?
Yes, you could continue like this if the cyst isn't causing pain but I would recommend a consultation with the city health dept's free women's clinic if they have one available. If not, check to see if there's a Medical School close by that might be able to help you with further evaluation of the situation.
Reply:Ovarian cysts can lead to numerous typical symptoms such as:

* Irregular menstrual cycles

* A constant or intermittent dull ache in the pelvic area

* Pain the in the pelvis shortly before the menstrual cycles begins and ends

* Pain in the pelvis during intercourse

* Nausea, breast tenderness and vomiting

* Heaviness or fullness in the abdomen

* Pressure on the rectum or bladder

But for a lot of women (in fact it is thought that up to 70% of women may have ovarian cysts) they are asymptomatic (that is, they do not cause any symptoms).

When they cause so much discomfort that you cannot live with them it may be suggested that if an ovarian cysts seems not to 'go away' (as they sometimes do) you might undergo surgery such as a Cystectomy (where they remove the cyst only) or in more extreme cases where an ovary is badly encysted - Oophorectomy - the removal of the ovary.

Naturally an Oophorectomy may affect fertility, although with a single ovary you will still produce eggs and hormones needed for maintaining a monthly cycle. But if both ovaries are removed due to cyst problems (such as happened to someone I know when she was 38) you are thrown full tilt into menopause, and it can be a difficult thing to cope with.

Some resources suggest that you might encourage the natural process of ovarian cysts diminishing, and shrinking to nothing through adopting some key strategies and some lifestyle changes. I feel it is preferable to surgery or drugs if appropriate for your case. This is well worth considering if there is still an option to avoid surgery and you feel you can give a natural remedy a chance to work. In depth details are outlined here:

I send you my heartfelt wish for a quick recovery

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