Thursday, May 7, 2009

Ganglion cyst surgery question?

I have a ganglion cyst on my wrist. I might get surgery to get it removed, but I am worried it might be extremely painful. I am unable to swallow pills (its not a med condition, I am just unable to swallow them) so that means I can't take pain killers like Advil. I don't want to get the surgery if it is going to be too painful. In that case I will just get the cyst drained. Also the cyst is on my dominant hand so I may have to use my hand as I am in school.

So, my question is: Is surgery for a Ganglion cyst very painful?

Ganglion cyst surgery question?
My daughter had this surgery when she graduated high school. She took pain killers for a week or two. Unfortunately, her ganglion came back. It was in her dominant wrist also, and then it started in her other wrist. I took her to an acupuncturist. He gave her several needle treatments and Chinese medicine from herbs. She hated the needle treatments, so didn't go more than 2-3 times. She did take the tiny little herbal tea pills for a few months. Her ganglions are not totally gone, but they don't bother her much. She plays piano and violin and her work is doing inventory, which is hard on the wrists.

If you have the option of having the cyst drained, try that first and see how it goes.
Reply:They run in my family. I had one on my foot and it was causing some pain and a firery feeling in my toes, so I had it removed. It wasn't bad at all. Just a couple of stitches and it was done in an out-patient clinic. I was home the same day.

I have had many of them. My index finger knuckle (that one hurt for awhile but is now going away), on the inside of my wrist (it has all but disappeared).

Here is some info about them:

A Ganglion cyst — also known as a Bible cyst — is a tumor or swelling on the top of a joint or the covering of a tendon. It looks like a bony like bump on the hand or wrist. It may feel firm or spongy and is not harmful. In fact, most doctors will tell you not to worry about it, and that no treatment is necessary. Even if removed, they can come back.

Bible cysts are very common in women, and usually occur on the back of the hand, at the wrist or even on the palm side of the hand. Other places they occur are on the outside of the knee or ankle or on the foot.

The ganglion cyst got its nickname of “Bible cyst” because back in the old days, the cure for one was for the doctor to whack your wrist with a bible while you held your hand or wrist flat on a table. That cure is actually effective for the spongy ones, though I’d recommend you see your doctor if it worries you or is painful in any way.

My brother had one on his wrist when he was young (8 or 9) and the doctor told him about the "Bible Cyst" story and they were going to remove it and he was too scared and slammed a bible on it and it disappeared! So that does work. I tease him about it to this day.
Reply:You've already gotten good answers about your stated question. I just wanted to add that you should talk to your pharmacist. There are liquid formulations of lots of different pain medications, including Advil. They are made for small children, but they are also useful for people who can't swallow pills (common in the elderly). Some (but not all) pills can also be crushed, and you can sprinkle the powder on applesauce and eat it. Some pills (including Advil) come in chewable tablets. You have a lot of options. Good luck!

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