Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cyst Question?

For some reason, I get cysts all the time (and yes, I do know the difference between cysts and clogged/infected pores and zits). I have a small one on the side of my head, and have had it for over a year, had one under my jaw, and I get them constantly between my upper thighs (from my legs rubbing together maybe?). I just find it strange since I am never cyst-free, there is always one somewhere! Does anyone know why I am constantly getting these?


Cyst Question?
I would second the suggestion that you visit your doctor on this.

It could have something to do with your diet, but it almost certainly has something to do with your body chemistry. It may be possible to relieve the problem with a relatively mild prescription, or a dietary supplement.

It doesn't sound serious but it sounds very annoying and it would be worth your time and energy to find a cure.
Reply:This happened to my friend a lot. Hers turned out to be calcium deposits or somethin like that.
Reply:your probably genetically prone to them. I bet others in your family get them too. See a doctor to talk about it.

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