Thursday, May 7, 2009

I have a cyst in my womb, im really worried about it?

Hi. Last week I visited the doctor with the most awful pain deep down on the left. I had this for 2 weeks but got bad this particular day. I had to go the hospital for a scan and I have a cyst the size of 2 euro coin (£2 coint). This cyst was there during my pregnancy 3 years ago but the doctor did not seem worried. Also I had a laproscopy 5 yrs ago and have cysts on my ovaries again I was told nothing to worry about. Now I am not so sure. I have already caught one doctor out who was lieing to me about the cysts when I got different feed back from another doctor. I have been told to take painkillers and wait for 4 months for an appointment to have it checked out. The pain is still there. Not as bad I must admit but I am conscious of it. Could it be anything serious. I do not trust the doctors in my hospital. (midlands ireland) The doc who gave me the scan last wk said with the size of cyst it should not cause that much pain. Evidently it is causing me alot of pain. What should I do?

I have a cyst in my womb, im really worried about it?
Absolutely a second opinion...even if you have to go to a larger city. My friend had an ovarian cyst and it wasn't even very big and it burst. It's not life-threatening, but she said the pain was worse than labor! You're docs are probably delaying b/c benign cysts usually aren't serious, but if it's hurting you then you need it removed b/c you don't have to live in pain. Get a second opinion if you can. However, if you can't, the docs are correct in that cysts aren't life-threatening but they ARE wrong in assuming you can or want to live with pain. Now that is assuming they've done a sonogram and maybe biopsied it to make SURE it's a benign cyst. Good luck!
Reply:i would get a second opinion,if you can afford it go private.
Reply:If you are not pregnant, then I suggest you seek another doctor. You are obviously the best judge of the amount of pain you are in and for them to tell you flat out that it can't be causing pain is completely wrong.

While mosts cysts do have a "wait and see" approach - if I were you I would tell them that I planned to get pregnant and need the cysts treated or biopsied sooner.
Reply:There are many different types of ovarian cysts and I wouldn't be TOO concerned about it but you DO need to keep a constant check on it and don't hesitate to get another medical opinion from another doctor if you are having conflicts with previous medical diagnosis.

I have known people who have had cysts go away, people who have had them surgically removed, and people who have had hysterectomies because of them.

Keep having it checked and don't ignore it!
Reply:it shouldn't be causing you any pain really. It is mainly just a lump of fat or water. I have one on my head, which I want to get cut off because it is getting bigger and more noticable. I can't feel mine. If someone touched it without me noticing, I wouldn't realise. But, I'm not sure if you can have it taken away if it is on the inside of you...
Reply:get it taken off right away.A sits that is not treated can turn into some type of cancer.I had 3 cysts on my face at different times.And it grew back on the same side of my face.

I went too my dermatologist witch is a skin Dr. and he took all 3 cysts off my face.Please get it taken care of right away. I

live in the Land of the free USA.

I know that this will sound silly but the pain is a good sign.

It is actually caused by the Cyst being starved of blood and dying.

My wife has cysts the biggest being 8cm dia. She was once in that much pain I dosed her with pain killers and rushed her 140 miles (3.5hr drive) to hospital .

After check ups and scans that was the conclusion that they came to the pain was coming from the cyst as it was dying.

If you start having very heavy periods with lots of big clots it might be advisable to see a gyno.

They might recommend fitting an IUS coil.

Have a look at this link for more details, it's a long link so make sure you copy and paste it all, you might just be able to click on it though:-
Reply:I would demand better treatment, whether the cyst is anything to worry about or not 4months is far too long to wait for an appointment to be checked over. You should tell them that its simply not good enough that you have to wait that long and you want an appointment earlier. If there is any chance that you can afford it then go private, they have to see to you immediately because you are paying them but if you cant go private then stick to your guns and just keep demanding to be tret better. If its any consolation I know how you feel about doctors draging their heels, they kept sending my daughter away when she had a chest infection and because they wouldnt treat her it turned into pneumonia!

Good luck x


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