Friday, November 20, 2009

Can a cyst be a problem?

Recently, I've had a lot of problems with my ankle. I sprained it real bad a few months ago, and it still has pain. I had an MRI to see what the issues were, and the doctor said he found a small cyst in my ankle. I asked about it, and he said it had probably been there for years and it had nothing to do with the problem. After the MRI, the pain in my ankle "moved" to a spot that seemed close to were the cyst was in the MRI. I told my physical therapist about it, and she repeated the doctor's words. Does anyone know if a traumatic sprained ankle can trigger a cyst to cause pain or even worse? Has anyone heard of this happening?

Can a cyst be a problem?
I have the same condition in my knee. It is caused by your body's attempt to "wash away" the inflammation caused by the damage done. It will either go away on its own, as your body re-absorbs the fluid it created, or you can have it removed surgically. Unless it causes you great pain, don't worry about it. Give it at least a year to heal.
Reply:Cysts are rarely dangerous, but can certainly cause pain. It makes sense that an injury would agrivate the cyst even more. Still, in some cases cysts do need to be removed, especially if they cause too much pain, so just listen to your doctor, and don't take any of our words for it.
Reply:yes it's a problem
Reply:Don't worry about it. Cysts in muscles will reabsorb after time. If you are in alot of pain, you can have it removed, but the surgery will leave you down for several days, (my friend had one in her back removed). The only time that there is a real issue surrounding cysts is when they form on an organ (they can rupture or burst).
Reply:A sprain or injury can cause a cyst to from also. The cyst communicates with the joint or the surrounding tendons and can get large enough to press on nerves causing pain. Cysts can be drained but they usually come back since they communicate with the joint and tendons so they fill back up. They are best removed if they are causing pain, if not, you can leave them be. I'd recommend going through a round of physical therapy to see if that helps and if it doesn't help, you should consider having the cyst removed. Now if the cyst or lesion is in the bones of your ankle, that's something different and can be the cause of multiple of 1-2 severe sprains causing injury to the cartilage of the joint which can cause formation of a cyst in the bone. Those may need to be operated on to relieve pain in the joint. What do they do? If it's a cartilage problem, you can actually get it replace the cartilage, but do talk to your surgeon about it for more info. Hope this helps!

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