Friday, November 20, 2009

Really bad do i help with swelling?

okay, i know its gross but i have a pretty bad cyst on my chin right now and its pretty swollen and painful. i have dealt with cysts before and have been to the dermatologist numerous times. right now all i want to know is how to calm down the swelling so i don't look like a total freak tomorrow. if you have no knowledge of what a cyst is then please don't answer. its really not nessasary to answer this question with "wash your face!" i already do all the time so stop telling me too. i need someone who knows what they are and ethier has had experience or knows what someone else has done to relieve the swelling. if you've had them i know you can agree with me that they suck!! more then just about anything else skin wise.

thanks for your help!!

Really bad do i help with swelling?
I'm what my doctor has called "cystic" and now I take Evening Primrose Oil Caplets. Just one a day does the trick for me (it reccommends 2-3). I've acually had a cyst on my chest go down in swelling till it was gone. I told another doctor (OK, OK, my gyno) about this and she said that it's an anti-inflammatory and that's probably why it works. Evening primrose is also good for women's health and regulation and stuff, yadda yadda. I just like them because they work. Try it, give it about 3-5 days and you'll see it change.
Reply:Put a hot washrag on it helped one I had. It popped back up, but it relieved the swelling a bit. It was on my neck and I had to get it cut out to make it go away.


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