Friday, November 20, 2009

Ruptured ovarian cyst, how long does pain last afterwards.?

i found out last friday i had a cyst, i have had two weeks of pain and pg symptoms, turns out it was from the cyst. pain started sat night and went into early sunday morning. the pain was sharp side pains, and pinching pain in my ovaries. it got really bad and i was doubled over in pain crying and then it would settle down and get bad all over again. well then i got charley horse cramping in my abodmen and i was on the ground in tears and in fetal position i scared my roommate because i was crying and screaming kind of. so i went to the er,after a bunch of tests which showed nothing (they didnt do an ultra sound since i already had one which showed a cyst) she did a pelvic,i still had pain on the right side, when she pushed down it sent shooting charley horse pains up my side, it was determined that it had ruptured. im still getting sharp side pains,with some pinching pain. not nearly as bad, but still hurts, how long until it goes away? they said 2 days. never had this happen before.

Ruptured ovarian cyst, how long does pain last afterwards.?
I JUST got home from the hospital and was diagnosed with a ruptured ovarian cyst. It happened two days ago and was instantly painful. Sharp pains in my abdomen and up my right side under my ribs and diaphragm. It was extremely painful to breath and in fact I couldn't breathe at all while laying down. I had to sleep sitting up. I finally went in to the emergency room and after all of the tests (pelvic exam, cat scan, ultra sound, blood, urine and saliva) they had concluded that I did indeed have a cyst and that it did rupture and was leaking fluid (blood) into my abdomen and around my organs. There is nothing to be done except keep popping the vicodin for pain, and wait for my body to reabsorb the fluid that has leaked into my abdomen. However, it was very important that I went and had all of these tests done because if the cyst were still bleeding, my life would be in danger. The fact that my cyst had stopped bleeding on it's own meant that I was able to be discharged from the hospital to come home and monitor my pain. If it gets worse or if I have fever and/or vomiting...I am to return immediately because it could start bleeding again. It has been two days and I still have pain. The doctor said it would last for at least 2 weeks but that is should lessen a little bit each day.

If you still have terrible pain and especially if it gets worse and is accompanied by fever and/or should return to the hospital and demand more testing.

(when you sit or stand, the fluid leaked from your ruptured cyst settles at the bottom and makes it easier to breathe, but when you lay down the fluid floats up and rests at the bottom of your diaphragm causing worse pain and making it harder to breathe. Keep this in mind when the pain starts to set in.)
Reply:my daughter has your same problem. You need to go to the gynecologist and start on the birth control pill. It will prevent any future cyst from forming
Reply:try taking sarsaparilla for the ovaries

olive leaf extract will help to fix the infection

aloe vera and cranberry juice will help the pain

coral calcium helps pain too

red chilli icapsules are great for easing pain

avoid any marg, canola, butter, pasta, fried foods and stress!!!

if it happens to be appendix, try drinking 2 litres of fenugreek tea with orange juice everyday (avoid dairy foods)

street fighting

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