Monday, November 16, 2009

Vagina cyst ?or what?

is a cyst a bump sac thing that moves around under your skin ?cus i have a vagina cyst thats what doctors say and it moves around under my skin that really a cyst .do women really get these things that move aroung under you skin down there.its kinda pearl color looking ,and i noticed at the begging of my pregnacy and is still there im 36 weeks pregnant now .ive never had something like this,its just there it dont ever hurt me..and never drains or turns red.and yes i have seen a doctor ,but i wanna see if any women had the same thing?

Vagina cyst ?or what?
The causes of Vag Cyst is not well stuides world wide yet. My lab believes it is because of 2 reasons -

1) anti-body problem

2) Viral infection

Both cases cause extra tissue to grow, just like wart or tumor.

YOu are already 2-3 weeks from delivery. There is not much you can do now because you do not want to apply any synthetic medicine on the baby.

One way to ease the problem - use sandalwood and Lavender with aloe gel as follows-

Add 2-4 drops of Lavender essential oil and 3-6 drop of sandal wood essential oil to 100ml of aloe gel. (become 0.2-0.4%)

Apply inside vagina and around pubic area after cleanse twice a day.

do not overdose.

Vaginal cyst nromal does not travel around the body unless it is viral type. For diagnosis, I need more ifno such as size, how far it travel, how fast it moves, water or tissue type etc. Most of VC does not hurt nor itch at alll. The color is because or extra growth to blood vessels.


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