Friday, November 20, 2009

Sebaceous cyst between my eyes?

I have a cyst between my eyes above my nose. Im planning to remove it but i am wondering how the doctor will remove it and how large the scar will be. My dad also had a similar cyst in his cheeks few years ago and he decided to have it removed. Does my cyst more complicated to remove because it is between my eyes or the doctor will do the same procedure as normal?

Sebaceous cyst between my eyes?
I also have one though not in the same location. The procedure as I understand it is to make a tiny incision, manipulate the cyst to separate it from surrounding tissue and draw it out with hemostats through the small incision. The doctor told me I will not have any stitches, so it should be a very small thin scar if any. Ask about using neosporin on the incision to help-it can reduce appearance of scars.
Reply:It is very safe to remove it..the sebaceous cyst is only in your assured the doctor will remove it with utmost care.
Reply:i have one on my leg. if u apply a heatpad to it twice a day, it should go away, of coure surgery is faster and eaiser and you wont look like cyclops for a long time. u will have a scar prolly, cuz it will get stiched up after the procedure is over. it might be harder if its between ur eyes rather on ur chest, but i doubt that will be much of a problem.
Reply:I have a sebaceous cyst in my scalp just past my forehead. I had it removed about 25 years ago. The doctor anaesthetized the area around it, and slit open the skin, and removed the rather large cyst, then stitched the opening he'd made. It has since grown back, and I'm sure that the procedure will have changed slightly.

A facial cyst, especially one in such a prominent place as between your eyes, should be handled by a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. Instead of surface stitches, the doctor may hide the stitches or do "butterfly" bandages to keep the scar from being visible.

It's not necessarily a more complicated place to have a cyst removed (unless the cyst is so deep it has grown into a sinus), just an appearance issue.
Reply:I believe that you may have a condition called Hidradenitis Supprativa. It is a condition of re-occurring boils/ cysts/abscesses , that are often misdiagnosed as ingrown hairs, herpes, being unclean and folliculitis. This is a newly diagnosed skin condition , but there is a lot of info out there.

Here is a link :

If this sounds like it might be you, READ it, PRINT it out, and TAKE it to your DOC.

Its better to try to start treatment soon, it can spread over the body if left untreated. These boils can become quite large and painful. Sometimes even lasting for weeks or months , do not attempt to POP them they can then tunnel under your skin and spread all over the body. Most common areas are armpits, groin, binkni line, inner legs, and intimate places and basically anywhere that sweats and rub against clothing. Stress is a big inducer.

There is some support groups at MSN


and yahoo, and I am open for questions!

I have had this for 8 years, I was misdiagnosed for a LONG time, It was very embarrassing, painful and scary. I am just trying to help out so you don’t have to wait as long as I did.

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