Friday, November 20, 2009

Ovarian Cyst Vs Pregnancy?

I Just found out I'm pregnant. (5 weeks along) And something I am very concerned about, is that I have had ovarian cysts in the past and i have one on my right ovary as of right now (simple cyst) I am worried about Miscarrying or having an Ectopic pregnancy..Has anyone had/have ovarian cysts and gone through a healthy pregnancy (the first time) also What are the chances? I am definatly going to talk to my doctor in a few weeks when i'm due for my appointment but i was really concerned and thought I would ask your your guys's insight as well. t

Ovarian Cyst Vs Pregnancy?
My daughter-in-law found out she was pregnant BECAUSE she had an oviarian cyst. My grandson has Autism, but I'm fairly confident the cyst has nothing to do with it. (Autism runs in my family.) She didn't have any problems with her pregnancy, so relax, you and junior will be fine. Oh, and congratulations.
Reply:A cyst SHOUDL be on your ovary right now. This is what supports your pregnancy until the placenta takes over. The mroe serious cysts, shouldnt interfere once conception takes place. I was told 20 years ago I woudl likely never have any children due to severe PCOS, so yeah I had some cysts all right!! BUT I now have 2 healthy children with # 3 due any day now.
Reply:My doctor detected that I had a cyst on my right ovary at my 6 month office check. I had to go back at 8 weeks so that she can measure it to make sure it went down. It didn't go down much so I had to go back again at 10 weeks. It finally reduce in size so she wasn't worry about it anymore. I'm 38 weeks now. Good luck
Reply:Depends on what kind of ovarian cyst (benign vs. malignant) and the size.

You said you have a simple cyst, that's rather benign and common in women. What would be interesting is the size of the cyst. There have been case reports where ovarian cysts (whether benign or malignant) produced successful pregnancies (pregnancies without complications). Just go to your OB and have regular prenatal check-ups.

Anyways, congrats on the new baby.
Reply:I have PCOS and was diagnosed about 10 years ago with cysts covering both ovaries. They don't go away and I now have a 5 year old and a 2 1/2 year old. Your OBGYN should know about your cyst and will monitor you to make sure it doesn't cause complications. If you start feeling a lot of pain where the cyst is tell the Dr. If you start having pain on just one side make sure to tell the Dr and they can do a scan for ectopic pregnancy but the cyst shouldn't cause one but they can find the baby on ultrasound around 6 wks so you are almost there.


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