Monday, November 16, 2009

I have a cyst on my cervix and on my ovary, I took two hpt that came back (+), is it the cyst or am i pregnant

I have missed my period, and I am getting some symptoms of pregnacy, tender breast, big apetite, lose of apetite and backaches. My stomach appears to get bigger at times, and it is tough at times, I have to pee alot. But about a month and I half ago I was told that I have a cyst on my ovary and one on my cervix. I took to hpt about a week ago and they both said positive tho. I was wanting to find out if I am pregnant or if the cyst can be causing these things..I would love to be pregnant, but I do not want to get my hopes up if I am not. I am away from home for a few weeks so I cannot get to the Dr. I have been trying to get pregnant for awhile now, but I had to have on of my ovaries removed along with a pilopion tube, due to a mass that I had. So I am looking forward to being pregnant, I just want to know if I really am, or if it is the cyst that is doing these things?

I have a cyst on my cervix and on my ovary, I took two hpt that came back (+), is it the cyst or am i pregnant
I feel comfortable with saying yes you are pregnant! at least is sure sounds like it. I too suffer from ovarian cysts and you will be happy to know that I have a 3 month old. HCG only shows up when you are pregnant. If you had two done and they were both positive then you should start thinking of names!!! Congrats!! I hope all goes well for you!!!
Reply:I think you're pregnant. Cysts cause pain, right? Not the hormones associated with pregnancy.
Reply:Well, as a girl with cysts, you would know the difference. Cysts generally burst around your period so unless it's an incredibly bad one, you wouldn't stop bleeding. Also, the cyst generally abates after your period so it shouldn't be getting worse.

Still, I do not that some people have worst cysts than me but I've never heard of them having your symptoms. I would see a doctor ASAP regardless but hopefully you'll be getting some good news
Reply:Cysts do not make a pregnancy test positive.Go to your doc.You are probably pregnant.

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