Monday, November 16, 2009

Ovarian cyst symptoms?

I am being treated for a large ovarian cyst with birth control pills.

While I know that the worst symptom of a cyst is severe pain, I

have not experienced this. I was wondering if anybody has experienced constant fatigue from either the cyst or the femcon fe (birth control) pills. I'll be calling my doctor tommorrow, but I am curious as to what other woman have experienced, as I have never before slept so much in all of my life. Thanks is advance for your thoughts.

Ovarian cyst symptoms?
did your DR. tell you why you have them? they are because your not going through the entire phase of the month-- your body is most likely estrogen dominant- and the pill will make it worse- they are poison for a woman- all though they are convient- I have cysts- and my DR. explained that I needed to get my body hormones back in check-- I use progesterone cream-- it may take a few months to a year to correct the phase of the ovary- yours gets stuck and does not release the egg it more or less hangs on and gets infected-- causing a cyst- and yes- they hurt- wait until they burst- that's fun, temp went to 103.5 and back down several times in a day- went to the er- they said looked like a cyst burst-- mine are not cancer so I still have my ovaries-- I noticed when I cut way back on my sugar intake(don't use regular sugar anymore- I use stevia- ) it helped- I also went mostly organic ( the pesticides that are found on and in the food can cause a rise in estrogen) it helped also-- research estrogen dominance - the chemicals in plastic also cause this- hormones in meat and milk that is not organic will mess with your receptors as well--- welcome to the world of crap---- I hope you seriously look into this because it will only continue to get worse if you don't- and get off the pill---- please--- poison! some peolpe will tell you it is endrometrious (i may have spelled it wrong) I have my ovaries but not my uterus- and No- I did not have endrometrious- but that is caused by estrogen dominance also-----
Reply:I have had them. and yes it made me tired. I had mine removed. I don't think the pill will do it. It is called indemetrious

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